Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Mark R. Hammond provides AAC evaluations and consultations.

What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) defines Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) as any “form of communication (other than oral speech) that is used to express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas.” For people with speech and language disabilities, AAC supplements or replaces existent or non-existent speech. There is a vast spectrum of AAC interventions including: “no tech” (e.g., gestures, signs), “low tech” (e.g., communication boards, symbol exchange), “high tech” (e.g., voice output device).


What should you know when preparing for an AAC Evaluation?

Please plan on a minimum of 2 visits for the evaluation.

Provide the clinician with the following information prior to the evaluation:

  • Most recent evaluations, for example, but not limited to:
    • Speech-Language Evaluation
    • Occupational Therapy Evaluation
    • Physical Therapy Evaluation
    • Psychological Evaluation
    • Audiological Evaluation
    • Vision Assessment
    • IEP if applicable
    • Questions, concerns and ideas that the team would like to have addressed during the evaluation.
  • 20 minute video recording of the client in their school (and home, if desired) environment(s) demonstrating their current communication abilities (DVD format)
  • A physician’s referral is required for insurance funding


Additional AAC Resources