Hammond Associates Group Registration for Play/Sign/Select/Say-A Two Day Immersive Experience Hammond Associates Group Registration For Play/Sign/Select/Say-A Two Day Immersive Experience First Registrant Name * First First Registrant Mailing Address * First Registrant City, State, ZIP * First Registrant Phone Number * First Registrant Email * First Registrant Occupation Second Registrant Name * Second Registrant Mailing Address * Second Registrant City, State, Zip * Second Registrant Phone Number * Second Registrant Email * Second Registrant Occupation Third Registrant Name * Third Registrant Mailing Address * Third Registrant City, State, Zip * Third Registrant Phone Number Third Registrant Email * Third Registrant Occupation P.O. #, if applicable Name/School for invoice (if applicable) Mailing Address for invoice (if applicable) City, State, Zip for Invoice (if applicable) Email for invoice (if applicable) How did you hear about our conference? Social Media Our Website From a Friend From email advertisement Other Receive email updates I would like to receive email updates regarding future conferences Comments or Questions Payment Option * Pay Via Credit Card Online Check to Hammond Associates, Inc. 1250 Forest Ave., Portland, ME 04103 Pay Via Credit Card over the phone (207) 797-8255 Payment Amount Full Price Group Registration $1,185 Credit Card Number Credit Card Number Credit Card Number Credit Card Number Month 123456789101112 Credit Card Number Year 20252026202720282029203020312032203320342035 Credit Card Number Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.